Technical Name: Propiconazole 25% EC
Mode of Entry: Systemic
Mode of Action: Ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor; stops fungal growth before sporulation and protects new growth.
Description: Economical fungicide providing full-season disease control for various crops.
Type: Broad-spectrum systemic foliar fungicide effective against a range of leaf and stem diseases in cereals.
Efficiency: Cost-effective and ensures maximum yield and crop quality.
Duration: Provides long-lasting disease control.
Key Features & Benefits
- Broad-spectrum systemic action.
- Effective curative and protective properties for plant disease control.
- Recommended for wheat, rice, groundnut, tea, soybean, and cotton.
- Rapid absorption and translocation through the xylem.
- Enhances grain quality by controlling disease at critical stages.
- Quick rain fastness and tank-mix flexibility.
Usage & Recommendations

Method of Application
Additional Information
- Compatible with most pesticides except lime, Bordeaux mixture, sulfur, and alkaline solutions.
This information is for reference only. Always follow the application guidelines on the product label and accompanying leaflet.